Monday, January 5, 2009

making upcoming year better for you

this tips coming from NST, 31st disember...hoping that this tips still useable...
1. Complete
what needs to be done by year end? Review your projects and make a task list.
Complete what u can do now so u can start the new year fresh and focused.

2. Purge
what better time to clean then year end?
If it's old, broken, torn or out of date..throw it out! Out with the old and ready for the new!

3. Organise
How quickly can you find things?
During your busiest time what slows you down?
Research or hire a professional to help you if you don't know where to start.
Let chaos and clutter means more order and focus.

4. Reflect
Now is the perfect time to look back and appreciate all you have accomplished, and take note
of perhaps where you fell short.
What did you learn in the process?
How can you plan better in the upcoming year?

5. Identify
What worked well in 2008?
What didn't work at all?
It's so important to identify what to keep, what to get rid and what to improve on.

6. Maintain
What worked best in your life and your bussiness operations?
Continue with the habits, relationships and systems that brought you success and progress.
Be sure to include it in your routine as the new year gets under way.

7. Improve
What can u add, revise or updateto get u to the next level of success?
It is the perfect time for a make over, upgrade, improvement or replacement.
Walk through your day and make note of anything that you can improve on.

8. Visualise
If there were no limits and you could not fail, what would you want in 2009? What do you
want your life and bussiness to look like?
How would that make you feel?
Who do you need to be to make it happen?

9. Create
Now that you can see and feel what you want, it is time to create a plan to make it happen.
If you think it, ink it.
breakdown yearly goals by month, week and day to work backwards to create your
desired outcome.

10. Implement
What's left? Action! Include your action steps in your everyday to- do list.
Take action in every moment to progress toward your desired outcome.